Olashore International School is committed to academic excellence. It offers high calibre education in a wide range of subjects at junior secondary and senior secondary.


The curriculum design for Olashore International School recognises that the world of the future will be very different to the world of today. The pace of global change increases with the need for flexibility. A curriculum defined purely in subject terms is therefore not always well suited to equipping every young person with the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need for a fulfilling adult life.

Olashore International School’s curriculum policy is based on our mission of enabling our students to equip themselves with the necessary skills to meet the challenges they will face when leaving school, whilst also consistently competing with the very best Nigerian schools in national standards of achievement. We seek to nurture the talents of all students and celebrate success in a plethora of academic disciplines, whilst offering learning opportunities which are differentiated and personalised to cater for different learning styles and aptitudes. In aspiring to be a centre of excellence in teaching and learning, we place strong emphasis on the use of technology as a tool for learning.

Our curriculum meets the requirements of both the Nigerian system and the British system, preparing students for exams in both.

Our curriculum outcomes

Olashore International School’s curriculum: